
Party is an group of members (potentially players) that can be created without actually instantiating a Game Server.

In certain cases, partying players together is even required before the actual Game Server being started up:

  • You want to start the Game Server only when full room of people is matched;
  • Players want to discuss the future map / game mode before starting the game;
  • Players want to join a random game with their friends.

If you would like to see the REST API for the parties, see Party REST API section below.

Party Flow

Each party has several “states”. The final goal of the party is to find or create a Game Server, then destroy itself.

  1. Party is created either by some player or by a service;
  2. Members open a Party Session upon it, using it the members can join into the party, send messages to eachother etc.
  3. Either by autometic trigger, or manually by some member, the party can be “started”, meaning an actuall Game Server is instantiated, with appropriate party settings;
  4. The memberss are relocated into the Game Server and become players by receving a notification from the Party Session;
  5. The party itself is destroyed.

Party Properties

Each party has a set of properties:

Name Description
party_settings Abstract JSON object of party-related settings, completely defined by the game. Parties can be found using these settings (see party_filters argument on some requests below)
room_settings Abstract JSON object of the actual room settings that will be applied to the Game Server once the party starts (if the room_filters below is defined, and an existing room has been found, this field is ignored)
room_filters (Optional) JSON Database Query, if defined, the party will search for appropriate room first upon party startup, instead of creating a new one.

Additional properties:

Name Description
max_members (Optional) Maximum number of party members, default is 8
auto_start (Optional) If true (default), the party will automatically start once the party gets full (reaching max_members number of members). If false, nothing will happen.
auto_close (Optional) If true (default), the party will be destroyed automatically once the last member leaves. If false, the empty party will remain.
region (Optional) A Region to start the Game Server on, default is picked automatically upon party creator’s IP.
close_callback (Optional) If defined, a callback function of the Exec Service with that name that will be called once the party is closed (see Server Code). Please note that this function should allow calling (allow_call = true)

Member Properties

Besides the actual party, each member in it can have his unique properties:

Name Description
member_profile A small JSON Object to represent the member. For example, that might be a desired color, or avatar URL of caching. This object is passed to the Game Server, so it can be used by it.
member_role A number, defining how much power the member has within the party`. This number is also passed to the Game Server.

Roles are as follows:

  • At least 500 role is required to start the party manually.
  • At least 1000 role is required to close the party manually.
  • The creator of the party gets 1000 role.
  • The regular member of the party gets 0 role.
  • As of currently, there is no way to change roles, so only the creator of the party can start is manually or force party closure.

Party Session

Party Session is a Web Socket session that allows members to have real-time communication within a party.

The actual communication is made within JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. In short, a JSON-RPC protocol allows two nodes to send each other requests, end receive responses (in form of JSON objects):

Current Party Member -> { request JSON object } -> Game Service
Current Party Member  <- { response JSON object } <- Game Service

Party Session Initialization

The Party Session is is initialized in few steps:

  1. The user opens a Web Socket connection on the one of the possible endpoints
  2. The user then waits for the party Session Callback
  3. Once the callback is received, the Party Session is now considered initialized and the user is free to do the Session Methods


Please note that a Party Session is not considered successfully initialized until a party session callback had been received. Please see Session Callbacks.

Party Session Joining

The member can either join the party, or not. In both cases the connection can still remain. max_members only applies to joined members, so there can be more connected sessions to a party than a maximum members capacity.

Party members can be “not joined” into the party and still send and receive messages. That make the whole join functionality to be more like ready.

Session Methods

Example of the JSON-RPC Request Show/Hide Code

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "send_message",
    "params": {
        "payload": {
            "text": "hello"
    "id": 1

Response Object:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "OK",
    "id": 1

send_message(payload) – to send any message object (defined with argument payload) to all other members of the session.

This could be used for chat or in-game requests etc

close_party(message) – to close the current party.

message argument defines any object that would be delivered to other party members upon closing the party.

Please note that party member needs to have at least 1000 role to close a party.

leave_party – to leave the current party.

As the connection still open, the member will still receive any in-party members, but if the party starts, the members who left the party won’t be transferred to a Game Server.

join_party(member_profile, check_members) – to join the party back.

This can be done automatically upon session creation.

member_profile – see Member Properties.

check_members – optional Profile Object that may be used to check ALL of the members for certain condition, or the join will fail.

Example Show

This complex function will ensure that no more 2 members in the party, that have field clan-name of their member_profile equal to TEST_CLAN, meaning there could be only two members total from clan TEST_CLAN.

    "members": {
        "@func": "<",
        "@cond": 2,
        "@value": {
            "@func": "num_child_where",
            "@test": "==",
            "@field": "clan-name",
            "@cond": "TEST_CLAN"

See Count Number Of Child Fields Which Pass Condition for more.

start_game(message) – to manually start the game.

message argument defines any object that would be delivered to other party members upon starting the game.

Please note that party member needs to have at least 500 role to start the game manually.

Session Callbacks

The party session may call some reqests methods too, meaning a Game Service initiates conversation.

Game Service -> { request JSON object } -> Current Party Member
Game Service <- { response JSON object } <- Current Party Member

party(party_info) – The party in question has been initialized

JSON-RPC Example Of “party” message Show

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "party",
    "params": {
        "party_info": {
            "party": {
                "id": "10",
                "num_members": 1,
                "max_members": 2,
                "settings": {}
            "members": [
                    "account": "10", "role": 1000, "profile": {}
    "id": 1

party_info is a JSON object of following format:

    "party": {
        "id": "<party-id>",
        "num_members": <current number of party members>,
        "max_members": <maximum number of party members>,
        "settings": <current party settings>
    "members": [<member>, <member>, <member>, ...]

Where each member would be:

    "account": "<account-id>",
    "role": <role>,
    "profile": <member-profile>

message(message_type, payload) – some message has been received by a party member

JSON-RPC Example Of “message” message Show

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "message",
    "params": {
        "message_type": "custom",
        "payload": {
            "text": "hello"
    "id": 1

message_type is a type of message, the payload depends on the message_type

Message Type Description Payload
player_joined A new member has joined the party. A JSON Object with fields: account – an account ID of the member, profile – a member_profile of the member
player_left A member has left the party. A JSON Object with fields: account – an account ID of the member, profile – a member_profile of the member
game_starting The game is about to start as a Game Server is being instantiated As described in start_game request
game_start_failed Somehow the Game Server instantiation has failed A JSON Object with fields: reason, code
game_started A game has successfully started, now the party is about to be closed. The client has now connect to the Game Server as described here A JSON Object with fields: id – room ID, slot – current player’s slot in this room, key – a room secret key, location – a location of the instantiated Game Server, settings – newly created room’s settings
custom A custom message, being sent by send_message As described in send_message
party_closed The party is being closed, expect the WebSocket communication to be closed as well. As described in close_party

Please refer to Party Session Initialization on how to open a Party Session.

Identifying A Party

A Game Server can detect if it’s being launched in a party context with environment variables.

  • party_id is such environment variable exists, then the Game Server is started in party context, and the variable contains id of the party. Please note this can be used for references only as the actual party may be destroyed at that point.

  • party_settings a party_settings from Party Properties.

  • party_members a JSON object with initial party members list in following format:

       "<account-id>": {
          "profile": <member-profile>,
          "role": <member-role>

    Please note that this list is not exslusionary as players can connect from another parties later (see below)

Late connection

In some cases, party members can join the Game Server way after creation of it. For example, if room_filters is defined inside the party, the existing Game Server will be searched before creating a new one. In that case the party members may connect to existing Game Server that was spawned by another party (or without any party at all).

To deal with this, a Game Server can identify a party member by parsing the info object of the joined controller request response. The info object may contain these fields: party_id, party_profile, party_role, their definitions are described above.

See Game Controller Connecting Flow for the information about the joined request.