Profile Object

Profile Object is a JSON object stored on the server side that can be altered concurrently with functions.

As a storage media, it is literally just a plain JSON object, and can be received by user only as a JSON object, but while altering, a special Functions can be applied to it, making possible to implement things like:

  • Increment/decrement/change a field;
  • Make sure some field is passes to certain condition while updating the value concurrently;

Concurrency is the Key

Functions make a lot of sense in concurrent environment (for example, if two clients are applying increment at the same time to the same field, the resulting value would be a sum of those increments). With normal approach, one of the changes will be lost.


Functions are special mathematical operations that can be applied to certain JSON field.

Consider this JSON object:

    "test": 10

You can apply a function to a field test in the example above, and depending on the function, the value of the field might get changed, or certain condition might be required.

See also

Function List

How to apply a function

To apply a function, you must replace a value the field in question, with a special magic object:

    "<field>": {
        "@func": "<a function name>",
        "@value": "<a value that will be applied to the function>",
        "@cond": "<optional condition parameter>"
A name of the function to be applied to the field. See Function List for reference
@value, @cond, etc
Optional arguments might be required for certain functions.

Mathematically speaking, function is applied like so:

object["field"] = @func(object["field"], @value)

For example:

    "foo": 10,
    "bar": 50

To apply function Increment a Value to the field foo, you must supply this JSON object while updated the Profile Object:

    "foo": {
        "@func": "increment",
        "@value": 5

The function will take the original value 10, do mathematical stuff over it, and update the object’s field with a new value:

    "foo": 15,
    "bar": 50

You can apply functions to multiple fields with one call:

    "foo": {
        "@func": "increment",
        "@value": 10
    "bar": {
        "@func": "decrement",
        "@value": 25

That will result in:

    "foo": 5,
    "bar": 25

Functions can be even nested (meaning @value of the functions can be functions themselves). For example, if we apply a such update to previous object:

    "bar": {
        "@func": "<",
        "@cond": 50,
        "@then": {
            "@func": "increment",
            "@value": 1

Then the field bar will be incremented by 1 (with concurrency support) but only if bar is smaller than 50, thus guaranteeing the total amount cannot be greater than 50 concurrently. In more traditional way, this can be viewed like so:

var bar = object["bar"];

if (bar < 50) {
    object["bar"] = bar + 1;

Function List

Increment a Value

Can be referenced by increment or ++. Increments a field value by @value.

Argument Description
@value The value to increment the field value with


    "field": {
        "@func": "++",
        "@value": 10

Decrement a Value

Can be referenced by decrement or --. Decrements a field value by @value.

Argument Description
@value The value to decrement the field value with


    "field": {
        "@func": "--",
        "@value": 55

Decrement a Value But Keep Greater Than Zero

Can be referenced by decrement_greater_zero or --/0. Decrements a field value by @value but only if the resulting value is positive/zero. If the resulting value is less than zero, produces not_enough error.

Argument Description
@value The value to decrement the field value with


    "field": {
        "@func": "--/0",
        "@value": 55

Comparators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=)

This section covers comparators. These have same arguments, but different behaviour:

Function Reference Description
Equal == Ensures a field is equal to @cond
Not equal != Ensures a field is not equal to @cond
Greater > Ensures a field is greater than @cond
Greater or equal >= Ensures a field is greater or equal to @cond
Smaller < Ensures a field is smaller than @cond
Smaller or equal <= Ensures a field is smaller or equal to @cond


These functions do not change field, unless @then or @else fields provided.

All of the functions listed above have same arguments:

Argument Description
@cond An object to compare the value to
@value (Optional) a value to use instead of object’s value (see below), useful for nesting
@then (Optional) a value to use, if the condition true. If condition is true, and @then is not defined, nothing happens (object’s value remains the same)
@else (Optional) a value to use, if the condition is false. If the condition false, and @else is not defined, error is raised.


    "field": {
        "@func": "==",
        "@cond": 10,
        "@then": 20,
        "@else": 0

If the field value is 10, then set it to 20, or set it to zero otherwise.


Can be referenced by exists. Ensures a field exists (opposite to Not Exists)

Argument Description
@then (Optional) a value to use, if the object exists. If object exists, and @then is not defined, nothing happens (object remains present)
@else (Optional) a value to use, if the object does not exist. If object does not exist, and @else is not defined, error not_exists is raised.


    "field": {
        "@func": "exists",
        "@then": {
            "@func": "--/0",
            "@value": 1
        "@else": 100

If the field exists, decrement its value until it reaches zero, otherwise set it to 100.

Not Exists

Can be referenced by not_exists. Ensures a field does not exist (opposite to Exists)

Argument Description
@then (Optional) a value to use, if the object does not exist. If object does not exist, and @then is not defined, nothing happens (object remains not present)
@else (Optional) a value to use, if the object does exist. If object does exist, and @else is not defined, error exists is raised.


    "field": {
        "@func": "not_exists",
        "@then": 100,
        "@else": {
            "@func": "--/0",
            "@value": 1

If the field does not exists, set it to 100, otherwise decrement its value until it reaches zero.

Append A Value To An Array

Can be referenced by array_append. Appends a new value to the end of an array [].

Argument Description
@value A value to append to the array
@limit (Optional) A maximum size of the array. If the limit is reached, error limit_exceeded is raised.
@shift (Optional) If true, and limit is reached, the first element will be deleted to free space


    "field": {
        "@func": "array_append",
        "@value": 5
        "@limit": 3,
        "@shift": true

Appends a value 5 to the end of the array field, but keeps the maximum limit of the items 3 by shifting.

Count Number Of Child Fields Which Pass Condition

Can be referenced by num_child_where. This complicated function can count a number of child fields which pass a certain test condition. The function itself is useless, but it can be wrapped in other function to ensure the resulting number qualifies the quota.

Consider this example:

    "members": {
        "1": {
            "color": "red"
        "2": {
            "color": "red"
        "1": {
            "color": "green"

The function might be useful to ensure there’s no more than 2 members with color=red (see example below).

Argument Description
@field A field name of the each child to perform tests on
@test Name of the function the tests will rely on
Other The @test function will require additional arguments. For example, a comparator function will require @cond argument


    "members": {
        "@func": "<",
        "@cond": 2
        "@value": {
            "@func": "num_child_where",
            "@test": "==",
            "@cond": "red"

Such formula will do nothing if a total number of child objects of the members object that match the criteria color=red does not exceed a value of 2. If it does exceed, the error will be raised.


This particular function might be used in join_party method of Session Methods to test against Party Members while joining the party.


Increment likes/stats/etc

    "likes-x": {
        "@func": "++",
        "@value": 1

Claim a reward, but only once

    "reward-x": {
        "@func": "!=",
        "@cond": true,
        "@then": true

Set a value to a filed, only if it didn’t exist earlier

    "value-x": {
        "@func": "not_exists",
        "@then": 55
